We have started creating own ethical standard for the design student(Architecture and Interior design students) at Louisiana Tech University. I want to start with AIAS', ASID's ethics and our facilitators' foundation of our original ethics. I created diagram to make things clear for myself that "to what and who we are responsible to...";
Then I create my own stand points that;I think we can think community into public, School of Architecture into LaTech, and AIAS and ASID into profession. Also I break students and professors down to more details that upper year, same year and lower year, and Interior design and architecture professors. Finally, I changed the word, environment to Earth which I still am questioning to myself if the word is appropriate.
Once I have categories of subject, I developed objects;
It is interesting to me to review my toughs later again that I put my weight of ethics on public and students and professors. It means I want to be hones and polite to what I have been closed to. I want to respect my peers and professors because they respect my choice and works. I want to respect their properties to be respected my property. I want to give something back to community and public because they provide many great opportunities and environments . It is difficult for me not to think about ethics based on what I respect which is my ethics.
It is interesting to me to review my toughs later again that I put my weight of ethics on public and students and professors. It means I want to be hones and polite to what I have been closed to. I want to respect my peers and professors because they respect my choice and works. I want to respect their properties to be respected my property. I want to give something back to community and public because they provide many great opportunities and environments . It is difficult for me not to think about ethics based on what I respect which is my ethics.